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- History

- 12
- Package support project selection of export capacity of Small Business Corporation
- 11
- Samsin Company ERP System Development Order
- 10
- “Multiple camera object detection tracking solution” Technology transfer complete
- 08
- Completed development of Allwinner A20 Chip based black box application
- FHD-HD develops HD-HD resolution
- 07
- Capital increase 585 million won
- “Image processing system sensitive to recognition object” Patent registration
- 06
- “Object Tracking Apparatus and Method and Image Processing System of Image Shooting Apparatus” Patent Registration
- 03
- Security of NVR base image information data KTL technical test certification
- Acquisition of information communication business license
- Trademark registration of “FORENCE”
- 12
- Capital increase 460 million won
- 11
- Korean Inventions Promotion Organization Excellent Invention Selection “EDRON-VIEW“
- 10
- Selection of subjects for development of anti-counterfeiting solution for data of Small and Medium Enterprise Agency VMS, NVR video recorder
- 09
- Capital increase 377 million won
- “Forensic Mark Insertion Apparatus and Method” Patent Registration
- 08
- Development of Telechips-based black box application completed
- 06
- Video information data security solution GS 1 grade quality certification
- 03
- Technical evaluation grade “T4” evaluation
- 12
- Trademark registration of “EDRON VIEW”
- 11
- Selection of R&D project for technology transfer R&D project by R&D special zone promotion foundation
- 10
- Future Creation Science Department No. 146 Institute Establishment
- Capital increase 362 million won
- 09
- “Black Box Data Forgery Modulation Prevention and Method” Confirmation of Technology Investment Korea Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
- 07
- Capital increase 290 million won
- 12
- Paid-in capital increase Capital increase 240 million won
- 12
- “Registering the E-DOCU-CERT” program “Advanced Solution for Next Generation Certificate Issuance”
- “Smart Web / Application Delivery Management Solution: EZCERTI” Program Registration
- Registration of “Black box data forgery / modulation technologies EDRON-VIEW for vehicles” program
- 07
- “Black box data forgery tamper prevention and method” technology transfer completed
- 05
- Ordered DIGIST comprehensive information delivery system
- 04
- Order for Soongsil Cyber University Integrated entrance examination management system maintenance order receipt
- 03
- Export capacity enhancement business selection
- Next-generation internet certification issue solution E-DOCU-CERT patent application
- 02
- Patent registration of video encoding technology for black boxes for watermark-based vehicles
- Capital increase Capital increase (170 million yen)
- 01
- Application for export capacity enhancement project (under review / live-action completion)
- Korea Broadcasting Communication Commission ISMS Certification Review Application
- 11
- Designated as “Export Promising Small and Medium Business” by Small and Medium Business Administration
- 10
- Started the Internet Certificate Issuance Service of Pharmaceutical Association of Korea
- 08
- Started Soongsil University online attendance system service
- 06
- Introduction of “Online Attendance System” through the National University College Administrator’s Council
- 05
- Online application application service contract for medical graduate school
- 04
- New type unattended certificate issuance KIOSK product making
- 01
- Selected as the project to support R & D research in the technology roadmap support project of 2011, which was implemented by the Small and Medium Business Administration, “Integrated Entrance Examination Management Solution”, the next research and development project of “UnivApply”
- 12
- National university admission and transfer admission application service
- Implemented by SMBA 2011 Report on “Integrated Entrance Examination Management Solution” for individual enterprise technology roadmap
- 11
- Nationwide university 2012 fixed application reception service implementation
- 10
- Promoting kiosk business by issuing Internet certificate issuing solution and issuing unattended certificate
- 09
- Nationwide university occasionally as primary, occasional secondary application reception service
- Construction of a child helper service ticket integrated business management system of the female family department
- 08
- Nationwide university admission assessment officer system Started reception service
- 07
- Police university application application service [alone]
- Small and Medium Enterprise Agency Enforced 2011 Technical Road Map of Individual Company Selection Business Selection
- 40 4-year, 2-, 3-year university, high school application receipt
- 06
- Korea University Educational Council signed an agreement for accepting applications for applications
- Contract signing service agreement for Korean specialized university education council acceptance application
- Ministry of Health and Welfare Children Love card business promotion and child care policy DW construction
- 05
- Confirmation of R & D technology guarantee venture company
- (Company) venture company association official member registration
- Gyeongbuk University College, Asian Union Graduate University, Police College Application Reception Service
- Nationwide university occasional / fixed time application acceptance agency service official maker designation (contract with university education council)
- Internet application reception “APPLY 114” Service name has been changed to “Univapply fly (www.univapply.co.kr)” service name
- 04
- Establish company attached research institute
- Namyangju city lifelong education, a Study on the Construction of Courses System in Dasan Seodang
- 03
- Capital increase capital (133 million yen)
- Venture company designation
- Confirmation of venture company of technology guarantee fund, establishment of attached laboratory
- 02
- Work for sophistication of application system and site renewal
- 10
- ICERTI Establish corporation
- 09
- Seoul National University Admission Application Service Agreement
- 07
- Education Science and Technology Department and the Korea University Education Council acquire the official certification as an internet request application designation contractor
- 12
- 80 (Enrollment of 4 year, 2 year and 3 year college and high school applications)
- 12
- 120 (Enrollment of 4 year, 2 year and 3 year college and high school applications)
- 12
- 289 (Enrollment of 4 year, 2 year and 3 year college and high school applications)
- 12
- 300 (Enrollment of 4 year, 2 year and 3 year college)
- 12
- 210 (Enrollment of 4 year, 2 year and 3 year college)
- 01
- Two, three-year university and two cyber university application enforcement(54), vocational training school of Industrial Human Resources Management Corporation (21) application enforcement application, Korea City Bank (old) Korea Bank of Korea attract investment
- 12
- 37 four-year university applications
- 11
- Agree to develop and maintain Internet application systems with 91 universities and universities
- 03
- APPLY114 Representative Director Seojeong Jun (Administrative Examination Public Officer) established
- Internet application form accepted by technical collaboration of XAP company in the United States “APPLY 114” service enforcement